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Wedding Bouquet


You are welcome to have your child christened in your local church so if you live near one of the Bro Padrig churches (or have a strong family link), please contact Rev Naomi to find out more.


If you live in the Bro Padrig Ministry Area (and have done for at least six months), you can get married in any of our churches. If you don’t live locally but would like to explore the possibility of marrying here, you need a connection with any one of the churches. There are a number of ways you provide this, so do get in touch with Rev Naomi who will be glad to talk it through with you.


There are 10 churchyards in the Bro Padrig Ministry Area but not all are open for new burials (although it may be possible to use an existing family grave). If somebody lives in the Ministry Area (or if they die here), they have a right to be buried in one of the churchyards. For more information regarding burial arrangements please see the section below.



  • Cemaes Church: burials and interment of ashes take place in Rhyd cemetery.

  • Llanfechell Church: open for new burials and interment of ashes.

  • Llanbadrig Church: closed to new burials although family graves can be reopened and ashes interred.

  • Llanfflewin Church: open for new burials and interment of ashes.

  • Llanrhwydrys Church: open for new burials and interment of ashes.

  • Llanfaethlu Church: open for new burials and interment of ashes.

  • Llanfairnynghornwy Church: open for new burials and interment of ashes.


The following churchyards are open although the church buildings are closed:

  • St Mary's, Bodewryd: open for new burials and interment of ashes.

  • St Rhuddlad, Llanrhuddlad (Church Bay): open for new burials and interment of ashes.

  • St Peirio, Rhosbeirio: open for new burials and interment of ashes.

  • St Mary & St Mwrog, Llanfwrog: closed to new burials and interment of ashes although family graves can be reopened.

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